
Treasures of Russian Lapland


Treasures of Russian Lapland is a stunning snowmobile adventure that will take you across magical landscapes of Southern and Central parts of Kola peninsula – the heart of Russian Lapland. Feel total unity with nature as you escape civilization and find yourself riding through brilliant white expanses. On this route we will present you the best topography that our region has to offer: ride our top-of-the-line BRP snowmobiles across magnificent Khibiny mountains, silent frozen lakes and mysterious winter forests. Each tour is accompanied by two of our guides – experienced certified professionals who spent much of their life in expeditions across Kola peninsula. Stops along the way will present plenty of opportunities to take photos and listen to our guides talk about places we visited. If a unique adventure with a pinch of adrenalin is what you are looking for, you will not be disappointed. There is a high chance we will see Aurora along the way.

7 days
(4 days of snowmobiling)
Route Length
600 km
Coming soon

In this tour you will see:

about-list-item Moscow – our beautiful capital with rich historical and cultural heritage;

about-list-item Khibiny – the highest mountains in the North-West of Russia;

about-list-item  Umbozero and Imandra lakes – the deepest and largest lakes in Kola peninsula respectively;

about-list-item Tundra of Lovozero – the most ancient mountains on Earth;

about-list-item Seidozero – a holy place of Saami people;

about-list-item Kanozero Petroglyphs – the largest cluster of stone-age rock drawings;

about-list-item Stone labyrinth – one of the most mysterious of Saami constructions;

about-list-item DoubleHouse in Kandalaksha – one of the best cabin designs located in hard-to-reach places according to Cabins. Escape to Nature;

about-list-item Kuhty – strange snow figures made by nature itself;

Как проходит тур
Вы оставляете заявку
на сайте
Мы заполняем договор
и оформляем страховку
Встречаем вас,
организовываем трансфер
Размещаем на базе,
подбираем экипировку
Проводим инструктаж,
выходим на маршрут
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Arrive to one of the airports in Moscow and transfer to the hotel. Choose to either enjoy free time in the city or join us for an evening boat tour along Moscow River.

Full day in our beautiful capital. As before, feel free to explore the city on your own, or join our optional tour that will take you through the main sites of cultural and historical importance.

Checkout from the hotel and transfer to the airport, where we will take a flight to Kirovsk – the mecca for snowmobiling in the North-West of Russia. On arrival at 18:00 we will be greeted by one of our guides, a translator and transfer, which will take us to “Severnaya” - the best hotel in town. There you will have tasty dinner and have an opportunity to ask your guides any questions about tomorrow’s expedition. Before sleep, you can either relax in the hotel or join us in a local bar.

After having a good sleep we will start our snowmobile adventure from a snowmobiling base camp “Skidooking – Khibiny. There you will be outfitted with all necessary cold weather and protective gear and, after a briefing and driving guidelines, will hit the trails accompanied by two of our professional snowmobiling guides. A route across picturesque valley of Little Voudyavr lake quickly takes us to the deeps of Khibiny mountains. Khibiny are the largest, highest and oldest mountains. These mountains survived several glaciers and while they significantly decreased in hight, they didn’t lose their grandeur. 110 of the minerals found in Khibiny are unique to this region. For example, mineral Khibinit, bearing the name of the region, hasn’t been discovered anywhere else in the world!

After the first 16 kilometres the mountain valley will become more friendly as cloudy mountains give way to the forest. We will stop at a beautiful and friendly rescue station Kuelporr – the crossroad of all Khibiny roads. Then, we continue our journey East passing a mountain ridge and Lovozero tundra along the way. There, we will see a beautiful frozen mountain lake surrounded by stone walls of Khibiny. Soon after we reach Umbozero – a lovely lake that is considered to be the deepest in Kola peninsula. We cross the lake and arrive to a beautiful and cosy lodge in a now abandoned Puncha village. Here we will have dinner and reward ourselves with sauna after a long day of snowmobiling.


On the sixth day we will discover Kanozero – a place rivalling the Seidozero for both natural beauty and importance to Saami. We will start by going to petroglyphs – the largest cluster of stone-age rock drawings in the region. Three islands are part of the museum. The largest of them is easily seen from afar for its large glass dome that covers around 600 of the most valuable drawings. Overall, to this day there are over 1500 drawings found in Kanozero and new ones are still reported.

The choice of islands as holy places is understandable, as water has always played an important role in Saami religious beliefs, dividing the holy place from the rest of the “everyday life” land. According to scientists, the drawings are related to Saami hunting cycles. After listening to the tour we ride to lodge “Sandy Shore” where we’ll stay for the night. This cosy lodge is located on a shore of the lake opening a relaxing view on the calm frozen water

After a good breakfast we leave the lodge and go to the snowmobile route at the foot of Spruce-Tundra mountain ridge. We’ll cruise along this trail to the natural reserve Kolvitsky, dedicated to the protection of the wild Northern reindeer. From there we turn North, pass White lake and through a narrow isthmus we enter a real-world winter fairy tale – a little sanctuary of northern nature hidden from prying eyes. Here you will float up and down deep canyons, dozens of charming little lakes and streams running between mountain ridges. Climbing to the highest mountain along one of these streams, we will see a magnificent panorama of the White Sea trapped in the prison of ice and its countless small and large islands. We leave this place through a narrow rocky canyon with frozen blue waterfalls.

Our next stop is Volosyanaya mountain. Here we will take a break in DoubleHouse – a tourist stop that was named as one of the best cabin designs located in hard-to-reach places according to Cabins. Escape to Nature. Here we will make plenty of photos on the surrounding scenery of the White sea and the evening town of Kandalaksha at the foot of the mountain. To finish the day we will have dinner in a beautiful restaurant with a view on Kandalaksha marina and stay for the night in a ski resort “Cross Mountain”.

On the eighth day we will pass 130 km and finish our tour. For the first part of the route, we ride along the wide snowmobile track and old logging road. In about 60 km we reach Imandra – the largest lake in Kola peninsula. From there we move across the lake and river valleys to Khibiny. This time we enter these mountains from Western side. The last leg of this journey brings you over a beautiful canyon named after a Finnish explorer – Wilhelm Ramsay. We reach Little Voodyavr lake, already familiar to us from the first day, and return to the snowmobiling camp “SkiidooKing – Khibiny” – the starting point of our adventure. On arrival you will be greeted with lunch and have enough time to prepare for going home. After saying goodbye to our guides and snowmobiles you’ll be transferred to the airport and from there take a flight home.

Наша техника
Lynx 59 Ranger 600 ACE 2021-2022
Как добраться
Из Москвы
2 часа
32 часа
Из Санкт-Петербурга
1,5 часа
23 часа
По запросу мы встретим вас на ж/д вокзале
г. Кандалакша или в аэропорту
г. Апатиты или г. Мурманск
Важно знать
Проживание во время путешествия
Комфортабельная современная база "Карельские пороги" - 1 ночь
Гостевые дома "SkiDooKing-Канда" в городе Кандалакша - 2 ночи
Кто будет сопровождать вас в путешествии
На всем протяжении тура с вами будут опытные гиды-инструкторы.
Как будут кормить
В стоимость программы включено трехразовое питание, за исключением завтрака в первый день и ужина в день отъезда. Во время тура вы попробуете различные местные деликатесы.
Могут ли участвовать дети
Дети старше 14 лет могут участвовать в туре в качестве пассажиров, с 18 лет можно управлять снегоходом самостоятельно.
Какая техника используется на маршруте
Вы будете управлять современным спортивно-утилитарным снегоходом BRP Lynx 59 Ranger 600 ACE (модель 2021-2022 года). Также вам предоставят необходимую экипировку: шлем, комбинезон, сапоги, перчатки, кофры для упаковки багажа.